Vanessa Reyes

Public Health Research Associate

Vanessa Reyes, BS, CHES
VReyes [@] LABestBabies [.] org

She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science from California State University, Fullerton. She also recently became certified as a health education specialist. Prior to LABBN, she worked for a private university that focused on allied health occupations where she provided health education, data management, and administrative support. She is passionate about giving back to the community and providing high-quality resources and education to help people lead happy and healthy lives. Vanessa is thankful to have the opportunity to support families across LA County and to be a part of LABBN.

Fun facts:

  • Three things on her bucket list are to visit all Seven Wonders of the World, go dog sledding in Alaska, and fly first class across the world.
  • When asked what advice she would give her teenage self, she said, "Keep doing what you love to do because not everything in life will work out as you have planned. If you keep focusing on your dreams and reaching for the stars, everything will work out better than you planned."
  • If she could visit a fictional place, she would visit Wakanda. Why? Well, because of the advanced technology they have that is capable of providing cures for a variety of illness, including those that are difficult to cure. She thinks it would be amazing to be able to see how they incorporate ancient and modern practices into their everyday lives.
  • If she could be a superhero, she would like to have the ability to self-heal and teleport. Why? Because who doesn't love to the idea of being able to instantly travel and skip the L.A. traffic? And being able to self-heal would give her the courage to try new things without fear of getting hurt.

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